Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Giants-Dolphins Practice "Situation"

As I was sitting at work today, I asked my boss Steve what he thought I should blog about tonight.  He said that I should blog about the Jets-Dolphins-Giants "situation."  Since he's my boss, I decided to listen to him.

I'm not really sure what the whole story is, but apparently the whiny little bitch known as Jets owner Woody Johnson is crying that the Giants are letting the Dolphins practice at the Giants' facility on Friday.  I'm not exactly sure why this is a problem.  The Jets and Giants share a stadium.  Big deal!  It's not like they're letting them practice IN the stadium!  If they were, then Woody would have a point.  Since they aren't, he doesn't. 

Now, which scenario is more likely?  Scenario 1: the Giants were like "Hey, let's let the Dolphins practice at our facility to screw over the Jets.  It really sucks that they're better than us and people actually care about them now."  Scenario 2: the Dolphins decided that being in 80-degree Miami until Saturday, then going to 30-degree New York to play on Sunday wasn't the best idea, so they asked the Giants if they could practice at their facility in order to better prepare for the weather (although it's apparently supposed to be in the 50s on Sunday).

It's my thinking that Scenario 2 was more likely.  The Giants play in Minnesota on Sunday, so they'll likely be practicing indoors anyway.  But more importantly, this is just a case of the Dolphins being smart.  New York is the only city where a visiting team can actually get the chance to practice in an NFL facility, so why not take advantage of that opportunity?  If there were two teams in Chicago, and the Falcons were playing the Bears in December, don't you think the Falcons and the hypothetical Chicago AFC team would do the same thing? 

Now, one of the "arguments" against this I heard today is that the Giants wouldn't be happy if the Jets let the Cowboys practice in their facility.  I'm sure they wouldn't.  But they wouldn't be able to do anything about it either.  Same situation here.  The Jets have no control over who the Giants allow to use their practice facility.  And if the Giants did set out to "screw" the Jets by letting the Dolphins practice at their facility, do you really think the Giants care that Woody Johnson's pissed at them?  What's he gonna do?  So, basically what I'm saying here is that Woody Johnson needs to shut up.  It's like the whole thing with the first game at the stadium when he whined that the NFL gave it to the Giants, then gave him a Monday night game (and a Thanksgiving game) to make him happy.  If you have no control over it, stop bitching about it!

And I got a chance to talk to Coach Slingbox about that really confusing World Cup decision today (Qatar?  Really?), and he delivered one of the best lines possible to describe the vote.  I'm paraphrasing here, but the response was basically along the lines of "FIFA's cashing the check as we speak," as if to imply (not really that subtly, I might add) that the Qataris paid off the FIFA voters.  No, that can't be it!  Everyone wants to go to a devoutly Muslim country (have fun Brazilian ladies!) in the Middle East (the safest place on Earth) in the middle of the summer (when it's 130 degrees) where alcohol's illegal (yeah, that'll go over well with 98% of worldwide soccer fans)!

And even though I don't watch college football, Darcy does, and he brillantly breaks down the ridculousless known as the bowl system in his blog.

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